Radical Orchidectomy


What is an Orchidectomy?

If cancer develops in a testicle it is called testicular cancer or cancer of the testis. 

Usually, only one testicle is affected, but in some cases, both are affected. About 90–95% of testicular cancers start in the cells that develop into sperm – these are known as germ cells. Radical Orchidectomy involves the surgical removal of the testicle and spermatic cord. 

Preparation for an Orchidectomy

Removing both testicles leads to infertility. Sperm banking is strongly recommended. 

During an Orchidectomy

An Incision is made into the groin, where the blood vessel leading to the testicle is first cut off in a bid to prevent cancer cells ‘spilling’ into the rest of the body.

The procedure takes approximately an hour to perform and is performed in a hospital under general anaesthetic.

This procedure requires a short stay at the hospital and most patients will be home on the same day. However, a full recovery is expected in 2 to 4 weeks.

After an Orchidectomy

Most side effects from this surgery tend to be temporary. Typically pain and discomfort around the operation site are the most common side effects, but this pain can be managed with painkillers and should subside over time.

If you have had one testicle removed a prosthetic testicle (implant) can be made and inserted into the scrotum at a later date; sexuality and fertility should not be affected.

Hormone therapy may also be needed to replace the lack of testosterone production; taking hormones will mean that sexual activity can continue and that erections and ejaculation will still be possible – although no sperm will be produced.

Talk to Dr Hadley about possible side effects and the methods available to alleviate them.

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