Pyeloplasty is a surgical procedure to remove the area of blockage at the pelvic ureteric junction (PUJ).
The kidneys filter the blood to produce urine, which passes through the renal pelvis, a funnel-shaped area on each kidney, to tubes called ureters that lead to the bladder.
A blockage can sometimes occur at the junction of the renal pelvis and the ureter called the Pelvic Ureteric Junction (PUJ), causing urine to accumulate and damage the kidney.
This condition can occur due to
a vessel that compresses the area (known as a crossing vessel).
Dismembered pyeloplasty is usually the technique of choice for most pelvic ureteric junctions (PUJ).
A Pyeloplasty is traditionally performed through open surgery, but Dr Hadley offers a minimally invasive approach (laparoscopic or robot-assisted) that allows enhanced cosmesis and recovery.
A large incision is made on the side with the PUJ obstruction. The skin and deep layers including muscles are pulled aside so the area of PUJ obstruction can be directly seen and repaired successfully.
Several small cuts (5-8 mm wide) are made in the belly. Dr Hadley operates long, thin “sticks” with tools inside the tiny holes from the outside of the belly, while his assistant holds a camera to enable keyhole repair.
Several small cuts (8 mm wide) are made in the belly. Dr Hadley uses a robotic console to control the robotic arms, which move small tools underneath the skin to do the operation. Robotic technology offers superior precision and enables the surgeon to perform a complex reconstruction.
Robotic-assisted pyeloplasty benefits include
During the procedure, you will lie on your side.
As with any surgery, robotic pyeloplasty may be associated with complications such as bleeding and infection.
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