Transurethral Resection of Bladder Tumour (TURBT)


Reason for doing a TURBT

This procedure is performed to diagnose and treat early stage bladder cancer.


Do I need to do anything special before my procedure

As you are having a General Anaesthetic (GA), follow the fasting instructions given with your booking details. You should inform your doctor before the procedure if you have any clotting or bleeding disorders or if you are taking any of the medications listed on the attached sheet.


What occurs during the operation

Bladder tumour biopsy and resection is performed when a surgeon inserts a rigid instrument called a resectoscope into the bladder through the urethra. (This is the meaning of the word transurethral.) Inserting the resectoscope in this way means that no incisions are necessary.

Your surgeon will use the resectoscope to remove the tumour, which will be sent to a pathology lab for testing. Once the tumour is removed, your doctor will attempt to destroy any remaining cancer cells by burning the area using electric current by a process called fulguration or cauterisation.


What to expect post operatively

You will have a catheter (tube in the bladder which drains your urine) in place and this will be removed prior to being discharged.


After going home

  • It is okay to shower. No bathing until seen by the doctor.
  • It is okay to climb stairs when discharged from the hospital.
  • Walking is good exercise, which improves circulation. Do not over do it! Go easy at first and slowly increase the distance, as you feel better.
  • Avoid any heavy lifting or strenuous exercise for 3-4 weeks.
  • It is okay to drive if you feel up to it.
  • No sexual activity for 3-4 weeks.

Potential Complications

You will notice some bleeding and small clots when you urinate (pass your water). This is normal.


If you have continuous bleeding with the passage of large clots, or if you are unable to urinate or If you develop symptoms of an infection or heavy bleeding, Dr Hadley’s office should be notified on 31637400 during office hours and for after hours please follow the prompts.


Post operative appointment

Dr Hadley will catch up with you in his rooms at your post op appointment to discuss his findings. This appointment should have already been made for you at the time of booking your procedure.



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